
The future in our hands

Compliance with social and ecological standards is of particular importance to us, not only when sourcing sustainable promotional items from the Far East. In addition to the successfully passed ISO certification for environmental management ISO 14001, we are now BIO-certified with the certificate of the Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-037 from 01.02.2021 and thus entitled to offer and market organic food.

Through many years of cooperation with certified suppliers, we take responsibility. When selecting and manufacturing promotional items, we pay attention to their origin, among other things. In order to guarantee transparent supply chains as far as possible and to ensure short transport routes and good working conditions, we prefer to work with national and European partners, but not exclusively. Also thanks to the growing demand for socially responsible and ecological production methods, we have a constantly growing selection of sustainable promotional items ready for you.

In addition, we ensure that all our promotional items – even those from foreign production – comply with European and German guidelines and are therefore, among other things, free of harmful substances, are not made by children and the producers pay their workers a fair wage. Corresponding (harmlessness) certificates are available on request. In our day-to-day business, we also constantly strive to protect resources here on site, not only to guarantee the sustainability of promotional items. By using green electricity and climate-neutral natural gas, we would like to set a good example and make our contribution to climate protection.


Because we care about the future

Find out more here about why the topic of sustainability is particularly important to us.



We support and promote sustainable, social projects. If you would like information about this project, please contact us.


  • BIO – Certification

Since 01.02.2021 we are certified with the certificate of the organic inspection body  DE-ÖKO-037 BIO-zertifiziert.


  • ISO 14001

To meet our environmental responsibilities, we have obtained certification to the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001.


  • We produce our own electricity

More than 80 solar modules were installed on the roof of our company building for our new photovoltaic system. With a total output of over 29kWp, we now produce a significant proportion of our electricity requirements ourselves and can also save a lot of CO2. Especially great for our e-car drivers: the installation also created several charging options for cars, which are available to all employees and are used every day.

More about sustainable promotional products

Instead of disposable


A viable alternative?



Eco certificates

Organic Bio-Circular

100% natural