Promotional products.

Promotion products work!

Conception, consulting, procurement and logistics – our claim for every project is to get the best out of every promotional item for our customers. From packaging and sensible design to logistics and integration into your overall marketing concept – we can provide you with the right promotional item.
You can also simply visit us in our showroom in Senden or Munich. Make an appointment now!

Your advertising message


professional, individual




Innovations worldwide


Our partners


  • Wir beschaffen passende Geschenke für Ihre Kunden

  • Wrapping in gift wishing paper
  • Greeting card inser
  • Dispatch on the desired dispatch date
  • International shipping

Your wishes

From the idea, design and artwork to storage and on-time dispatch. We not only take care of the selection and procurement of your promotional items, but also pack your gifts individually according to your wishes and send them on time by individual dispatch to your customers or to your employees in the home office!

PRESIT® Mailings

  • We pick, assemble & pack according to your wishes
  • Complete project support incl. package mailings and individual mailings
  • Storage of your advertising material
  • Dispatch on the desired dispatch date

Arrange your personal consultation appointment

– online available –

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